Since 2009, So What Else has been powered by individual donations, community support and partnerships. We work hand in hand with donors, organizations, local businesses, and community groups to fight hunger and provide free out-of-school-time programming to local children and their families.
Ensuring our communities’ children have the food they need and opportunities to learn and grow is all of our responsibility. When you give where you live everyone benefits. Join our mission today and help us build a better DMV.
There are many ways donate to So What Else. Explore the way that works for you.
Monetary Contributions
We value monetary contributions of any amount. No amount is too small. Your donation supports all the work So What Else does in the community. You can choose to donate an amount of your choice, or you can donate to a specific drive that So What Else is hosting, like sponsoring a family for the Holiday season, providing meals for our after school programming, among other options.
In-Kind Donations
We accept food, toys, clothing, blankets and other resources that will improve the lives of others in our communities.
Host a Food/Coat Drive
Community-, neighborhood- or business-based drives are an amazing way So What Else and our partners bring in resources that help others in our communities.
Sign-up below: