URGENT: In Just 10 Days Critical Food Pantry Forced Out of Lakeforest Mall


If you are interested in volunteering with us:

All SWE volunteer opportunities are listed here & signing up is easy! Create your profile and browse opportunities that fit your interests and availability. Please be sure to register for each instance of a volunteer opportunity you wish to serve. For example, if you want to help out at the Saturday Outdoor Food Pantry, be sure to sign up each time (instance) you want to serve. Please note that sign-ups will be deactivated 24 hours before the start of an opportunity. For last-minute sign ups, please send an email to volunteer@sowhatelse.org.

If you are interested in Group / Team / Organization volunteering, please contact us at volunteer@sowhatelse.org!

If you’re interested in volunteering at one of our after-school or summer camp programs, please send an email to vfuentes@sowhatelse.org.

We hope to see you soon!